We now accept all major credit cards.
Rental Fee Prices
- Gym with or without alcohol (includes ice machine, cooler, and kitchen use)- $460 for 4 hours ($230 down to hold the date)
- plus $175 Damage/Cleanup Deposit (Refundable the week following the event upon approval. Deposit will not be refunded if items are left behind, extra cleanup is necessary, or the kitchen is not cleaned.)
- Any event with alcohol: renter must provide security officers through the St. Mary Sherriff’s office
- Extra Hours for Gym $100 per Hour
- To hold Room Extra Days Before Event – $100 per Day
- Gym with or without alcohol (includes ice machine, cooler, and kitchen use)- $460 for 4 hours ($230 down to hold the date)
- Meeting Room (includes cooler if available and ice machine)- $125 for 2 hours ($60 down to hold the date)
- plus $75 Damage/Cleanup Deposit (Refundable the week following the event upon approval. Deposit will not be refunded if items are left behind or extra cleanup is necessary.)
- Extra Hours for Meeting Room- $25 per hour
- $50 Decoration Fee to decorate the day before the event, otherwise, decorating is permitted the day of the event without charge.
- Meeting Room (includes cooler if available and ice machine)- $125 for 2 hours ($60 down to hold the date)
- KITCHEN – $30 per hour or $125 all day
- $50 Deposit for use of fryer – refunded when the fryer is drained and cleaned.
- NOAH’S ADVENTURES CLUBHOUSE – $125 for 2 hours ($60 down to hold the date)
- Extra Hours for Clubhouse- $25.00
- plus $75 Damage/Cleanup Deposit (Refundable the week following the event upon approval. Deposit will not be refunded if items are left behind or extra cleanup is necessary.)
- $50 Decoration Fee to decorate the day before the event, otherwise, decorating is permitted the day of the event without charge.
- NOAH’S ADVENTURE PAVILION – $75 for 3 hours
- Extra Hours for Pavilion- $10 per Hour
- SPRAY PARK PARTY– $200 for 2 hours Weekly times available – Please call the office for times. ($100 down to hold the date)
- Batting Cages- $5.00 per hour
- Batting Cage Membership – $60 (January-June) / $60 (July-December)
- Marquis Rental- $50.00 per month, $5 per day, or $10 per weekend
- Baseball Field Rental- $100 a day for tournaments or $10 per hour for practice (additional $10 per hour with lights)
- Gym rental (General Public Practices)- $10 per 2 hours
- Gym rental (For Profit Practices)- $30 1st hour / $20 every additional hour
- Gym rental (Non-Profit)- $5 per hour
- Gym Tournaments including concessions (volleyball, basketball, pickleball, etc.)- $100 per day *does not include kitchen*
- Concessions Stand rental- $75 per day
- Golf Course Hole Sponsor (For Businesses)- $200 per Hole
- BVCC entire facility (gym, meeting room, kitchen, baseball fields, concessions stand, and Spray park when in season) rental- $2,000 per day
- Central Park Rental (Noah’s clubhouse & pavilion, skate park, central park playground areas, large baseball pavilion, baseball fields and Mini Golf Course during hours of operation)-$1,125